Irene J. Frank

1 diciembre, 1940 - 26 julio, 2014

Forever With Christ


Our mom Irene Frank passed away peacefully on July 26th, 2014 with her friends and family by her side. She lived such an incredible life and we are going to miss her so much.

Irene was born in Florida in 1946 and was a miracle child. She was three pounds underweight and the doctors told her parents that she would not survive. But through God’s grace, Irene grew up healthy and strong. Irene moved to Santa Fe when she was 10 years old and attended the same church until she passed away.

Irene met her loving husband Marco when she was 19 years old and they were married right away. Both of them were wonderful parents. Irene visited his grave every day. Irene was an amazing cook and would host parties whenever she got the chance. The entire town would show up for her famous pork tacos and her homemade hot sauce won awards at all the town fairs.

Irene is remembered by her husband, three children and two grandchildren. Irene is in heaven now and we know she is looking over all of us. We miss you.

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Acerca de

Nombre Irene J. Frank
Fecha de nacimiento 1 diciembre, 1940
Fecha de defunción 26 julio, 2014
Ciudad de origen Fort Lauderdale, FL, US 
Otra ciudad Santa Fe, NM, US 
Frase favorita A life of laughter is a life well lived

Página conmemorativa

Casa funeraria Rivera Funeral Home
Cementerio Santa Fe Memorial Gardens
Dirección 417 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe NM 87505
United States
Geoubicación 43.253336341129696, -79.8335911488074


Significant OtherMarco Philips
PadresMaria Smith, Mark F Frank
AbuelosConstance Summerfield, John Frank, John Smith, Juliana Richards
HijosMichelle Philips
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Momento importante

Momentos importantes

1946 Born in Florida
1947 Released from hospital
1956 Moved to Santa Fe
1965 Met husband in school
1967 First daughter is born
1970 Daughter Michelle is born


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Mandy published a tribute .

miss you

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Michell published a tribute .

mom, I really miss you. I think about you every day. I think about your warmth, your kindness and how supportive you were in everything I did. I'm so happy you got to meet my 2 children before you passed away. I see you in them and in their own kindness and warmth

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Rivera Funeral Home


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